Bringing DHH’s Omakub to WSL2?

Why not? Installing alacritty There is a Windows installer at ezpz. To have alacritty running WSL automatically, edit the alacritty.toml file in C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Roaming\alacritty Add this: I’m running Ubuntu-24.04. If you are unsure what’s the name for your WSL image, run a PowerShell and run: Once you have alacritty setup, launch it and you should…

Using Ngrok with Rails

When working with Rails, I like to test my web apps with my desktop browser and my mobile browser. I like using my mobile browser, especially to test the PWA setup. To be able to test the development version running in Docker with my devcontainer setup, I use Ngrok. You need to register and install…

Get started with Ruby on Rails on WSL2 Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu If you already have WSL2 Ubuntu 24.04 skip these two steps. Open PowerShell as Administrator: Once Ubuntu is installed, make sure it’s running as WSL2: Close PowerShell and run Ubuntu-24.04 from the application menu. Once you are in the Ubuntu terminal, update and install things: Once the system dependencies are installed, install rbenv:…

The Power of Flexibility: More Than Just a Mindset

In the ever-changing landscape of life and work, adaptability isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a survival skill. As a seasoned software engineer and a human being who’s navigated the ebbs and flows of life, I’ve come to appreciate the profound power of a flexible mindset. It’s the mental yoga that keeps us resilient in the face…