Why not?

Installing alacritty

There is a Windows installer at https://alacritty.org/: ezpz.

To have alacritty running WSL automatically, edit the alacritty.toml file in C:\Users\YOUR_USER\AppData\Roaming\alacritty

Add this:

program = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\wsl.exe"
args = ["~", "-d", "Ubuntu-24.04"]
dimensions = { columns = 150, lines = 50 }
save_to_clipboard = true

I’m running Ubuntu-24.04. If you are unsure what’s the name for your WSL image, run a PowerShell and run:

wsl --list

Once you have alacritty setup, launch it and you should see your usual Ubuntu.

Installing Cargo

Remove existing Rust:

sudo apt remove rustc

Install rustup:

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Install Zellij

cargo install --locked zellij

Switch to Tokyo-Night

In ~/.config/zellij/themes create a `tokyo-night.kdl` file and add:

themes {
    tokyo-night {
        fg 169 177 214
        bg 26 27 38
        black 56 62 90
        red 249 51 87
        green 158 206 106
        yellow 224 175 104
        blue 122 162 247
        magenta 187 154 247
        cyan 42 195 222
        white 192 202 245
        orange 255 158 100

Start Zellij

Once you have Zellij installed, you want to run it automatically when WSL starts.

Edit your .bashrc or .zshrc and add:

# Start Zellij on shell login
if command -v zellij &> /dev/null; then
  [[ -z "$ZELLIJ" ]] && exec zellij options --theme tokyo-night

What’s next?

I’ll experiment more, and I’ll try as much stuff as possible from the real Omakub, bringing to Windows/WSL2 everything that makes sense 😀🤞